What's Tanbatoji

丹波杜氏 灘の銘酒をつくり、地方の酒の原型をつくりあげた

Tanba Toji High quality sake production in Nada laid the foundation of local sake production.


丹波杜氏の供給地は主として多紀郡(現篠山市)の村々で、厳しい生活の中、農閑期の「百日稼ぎ」といわれる「出稼ぎ」(冬季の季節従業員)で生活の糧を得ていました。江戸時代には、伊丹や池田に出稼ぎし、「剣菱」や「男山」など元禄期(1688~1703年)の伊丹の酒は、丹波杜氏の造り出す銘酒でした。や がて、今あるほとんどの灘の銘酒を作り上げただけでなく、全国に指導に出かけ、地方の酒の原形を作りました。

300年の長い歴史と伝統とに育まれた匠の技が生み出す日本酒。その絶妙の味、香り、色合いは原料の米、良質な銘水、そして、そこで働 く蔵人を送り出してきた丹波杜氏あっての名酒といえることができるでしょう。丹波篠山のデカンショ節にも♪「灘のお酒はどなたがつくる おらが自慢の丹波杜氏」と唄われています。





Toji Culture protected by numerous lives.


しかし、酒造出稼ぎが盛んに行われると、丹波篠山の地主は従来の安価な労働力に依存できずお米の生産を維持できなくなった。そこで藩主は、この出稼ぎを禁止することにしたのである。1767 年のことであった。


そして清兵衛は、藩庁に行き、直訴するが、藩吏は清兵衛の訴えを取り上げず、意を決した清兵衛は、1774 年密かに江戸に上がり、藩主の忠高(ただたか)の登城を待って越訴したのである。清兵衛は、越訴の罪により入牢を命ぜられたが、二年後には、直訴の効果があらわれ、秋の彼岸から春の三月中頃までの間は、解禁され、それのみならず夏場三十日間の労働も許された。1781 年赦免によって出獄した清兵衛は、市原村の人々に暖かく迎えられた。


The name- Tanba toji came from the action that the farmers went to the alcohol production area of Nada, Kobe, which took less than a day to reach from Tanba Sasayama and started to make “extra” money by producing alcohol.

However, as more farmers went for alcohol production in Nada area, the landlords of Tanba Sasayama couldn’t rely on the cheap labor to produce rice anymore that they couldn’t keep the harvest amount of rice. In 1767, the feudal domain started to ban the farmers from going out for more money.

Because of the ban, the farmers were so angry that they planned to rise in a riot.
However, as the farmers were about to rise in a riot, one man-Seibei from Ichihara Village volunteered to be the negotiator and stopped the riot. Seibei then went and made a direct appeal to the administration counsel (Hanchou) about the matter; however, the domain didn’t take his appeal.
Due to this, Seibei decided to make his appeal to the higher counsel in Edo. In 1774, Seibe made his consistent appeal direct to the senior feudal lord- Tadataka, but he was sentenced and put into jail. However, two years later, Seibe’s appeal to the administration counsel was approved, Seibe was released on parole from fall to Spring, and was proved to work during summer time.

In 1778, Seibe was released and welcomed warmly by Ichihara villagers. Before the approval of the appeal concerning the amount of rice being contributed, the landlord sent killers and killed Seibe near Fujisawa Inn. Seibe’s monument was built in Sasayama Castle, and in remembrance of Seibe, Tanba tojis cultivated a custom of worshipping his monument.



Producing good sake.
Particularity of Tanba people: Hard-working and Honesty.




tojis like Tanba toji(many of them are in Nada), Tajima toji, Echigo toji of Niigata, Bichu toji of Okayama, and Izumo toji of shimane are known by many people. However, what made Tanba toji more impressive than others is not that they are the speciality of Kansai area, but that the Tanba tojis work harder and honestly.
Before alcohol production was automized, Tanba tojis would worked from early mornings to late nights to make Sake, and after that, they would clean the whole brewer prior to finishing the work. Because of the tojis hard work, the alcohol production were able to move on smoothly.
The hard work, honesty, and teamwork has been the assets that Tanba tojis cultivated for a long time.


ストーリー story